Below is our PDF fillable form for to add or update the person(s) authorized to use your house account. Updating your account’s authorized charge list will help streamline the check out process, making your shopping experience more seamless and efficient.
Download and save the file (use your first initial and last name as part of the file name.), open the file, and then fill out the form completely.
You may mail the form(s) to our accounting offices:
Bibens Ace
Re: Accounts
P.O. Box 965
Colchester, VT 05446
or e-mail as a scanned PDF to:
Accounts Receivable, Attention: Katie Hetling (
We look forward to hearing from you and serving you in an even more helpful way with your very own account and our “My Accounts” page.
If you need speak with someone directly regarding applying for a new account, call +1 (802) 809-1809 or email Holly McCormick at
For store account payments or other account related issues, please contact Katie Hetling or call all us at +1 (802) 598-2085.